Kidrobots' successful Dunny series continues with works from Tado, Mimic, Clutter, Uamou, Frames, Jon Burgerman, HicaloriexJulie West, Ilovedust, McFaul, Doktor A, Shok-1, Keenan Duffty, Triclops, Studio, and Peskimo. These badboys drop on January 27th, for $7.95 a pop.
Peep the red guy below, looks like there is only the black one printed above? Possible chase? Last minute change? Only time will tell... (also looks GID?)

For those across the pond, Kidrobot is putting up shop in the UK. From January 22nd to February 21, 2009 Kidrobot will be operating a Pop Up shop in the Concept Store space @ Selfridges Oxford Street (400 Oxford) in London. To celebrate the opening on January 22nd [6 to 8:30 PM], Kidrobot will release the Ye Olde English Dunny Series, and artists will be on hand for the event to sign the new toys.