Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 Top 10 - Dj Melee

More beats from 2008, this list coming from my main man Coppo aka DJ Melee:
Dustbowl "Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down"
Meat Katie "Cracks" *original mix*
James Harcourt - Call & Response
Uberzone & Lee Coombs "Right Now"
Lucio Aquilina – "Disco Bus" (Roland M. Dill Remix)
Dylan Rhymes - I Am Sweet (Hyperion's 'Into The Sun' mix)
Andre Crom "Tomographie" (Spektre_remix)
Zoo Brazil "Technik"
Alter Ego "Why Not!?" Tim Deluxe Remix
Portishead "Machine Gun"

2008 TOP 10 - A6

I asked a few heads to give me some insight into their favorite tunes of the year. This one is from my man A6:

5. RUSKO – 2 N A Q

Sunday, December 28, 2008

June 5th - LOTL

Probably won't be great, but shit, this is Land of the Lost peoples! Such a great show, getting a revamp, can't wait.

BAPE x Disney = NO.

Horrific. These fugly things would make great piƱatas!
Source: hypebeast

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays

Enjoy the times we have with our loved ones, and remember those who didn't make it, but are still here in spirit. Eat good eats, and let's get prepped for New Year's Eve!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Gift of Giving

My favorite Boston store owner, Kerry from Proletariat, is giving quite a gift while helping out those in need this holiday season:
"Bring me any warm item: a coat, jacket, hoody, sweatpants in good condition, etc. and I will give you $20 off of a Canorak or Proletariat 378 Denim from now until the end of the year. Then we can donate the items to the homeless to help them get through the next few months."
That's what's up.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

R.I.P. Doc Elllis

Dude threw a no-no tripping face. Respect.

Not Too Shabby...

This is a pretty damn good faux-trailer. Not too bad with the motion tracking, and the layers are pretty tight. Can you count all the movies they cut up?

Dear Jun...

These new Jun Watanabe x Ubiq shoes look like they just graduated from Clown College. I bet they can juggle 3 cats and a chainsaw. FAIL.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ok Seriously...

If I see you wearing these I will kick you in the teeth. However, at least you'll have something to match your fresh hat.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Adventures

Melee, Jade, Kares and I thought it would be an awesome idea to go on an expedition during the snowstorm. Space nuggets, smart ass, "vitamin water" = awesomeness.

We also hung out with santas. We freaked them out.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Throwback Fridays

Have a safe weekend, wrap 'em up!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Vans V224 Holiday Pack

The Vans V224 Holiday Pack consists of two colorways, shitty, and shittier. Supras are horrific, please Vans, DO NOT GO DOWN THAT ROAD!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Have I found my Doppleganger?

To whomever writes, respect.

2 of my Favorite Characters...

Baroness (Sienna Miller)

Snake Eyes

Dropping August 7th, 2009. Check for more info. Too bad this great piece of my childhood memories is going to get a serious Hollywood raping. Bye bye memories, I swear if you Hollywood herbs try to bring Zartan into this I will fly over there and crush one of you.

Monday, December 15, 2008

In Case you Missed it...

Too much is apparently not enough...

Miami Ink’s Darren Brass did 2 shoes for DC. I think that's 2 shoes too many. I would stick to the tats.

Friday, December 12, 2008


It's coming, and I for one, am very excited.

Throwback Fridays

The Gonz, Danny Way, and Jason Lee in Paris

Since winter is upon us, the rest of this post is dedicated to some of the riders who have influenced me the most, both in skill and creativity.
Jaime Lynn

Peter Line

Tarquin Robbins

Have a safe weekend, wrap 'em up!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Corporal "Thundersticks" Anson

Huck Gee continues to wreak havoc the custom vinyl scene. On Dec 12th @ noon PST, this guy drops on Huck's Online Store. Only 10 of these custom munny figures in existence, and look ridic!

Just one of those nights...

Thanks for the pics Star Star, you give the BEST directions.

'Tis the Season

This one never gets old, does it Barnhart?

Doo Doo.

This is how you can get crap on your shoes without even wearing them.
I'm a big fan of Slayer, and a huge fan of Vans as well, but this is just shitty. Much like the more recent version of the Iron Maiden Sk8-Hi 2s, These are no more than the logo slapped on the side. I think the embroidery on the heel is tops on both, but from there, the attention to detail goes to shit. If I see you wearing these I will poop on them. Be forewarned.

Source: Hypebeast

Steve, Don't Eat It!

Steve eats things that will make you laugh, cry, & puke all at the same time.
Thanks to Mr. Mess for the heads up!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ye Olde English Dunny Series

Kidrobots' successful Dunny series continues with works from Tado, Mimic, Clutter, Uamou, Frames, Jon Burgerman, HicaloriexJulie West, Ilovedust, McFaul, Doktor A, Shok-1, Keenan Duffty, Triclops, Studio, and Peskimo. These badboys drop on January 27th, for $7.95 a pop.

Peep the red guy below, looks like there is only the black one printed above? Possible chase? Last minute change? Only time will tell... (also looks GID?)
For those across the pond, Kidrobot is putting up shop in the UK. From January 22nd to February 21, 2009 Kidrobot will be operating a Pop Up shop in the Concept Store space @ Selfridges Oxford Street (400 Oxford) in London. To celebrate the opening on January 22nd [6 to 8:30 PM], Kidrobot will release the Ye Olde English Dunny Series, and artists will be on hand for the event to sign the new toys.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Was reading on Niburu when this guy came to mind...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Buff Monster TT

Lordy. Me likes.

Macaela is the best.

Friday started this weekend off proper. Jeff, Leah Z, and I headed to Macaela's Karaoke Birthday Party.
Not sure if that's The 4 Tops or "Louie, Louie". Pissed that they didn't have The Trashmen's "Surfin' Bird" or Phil Collins' "Against All Odds".
Leah and Macaela are B-a-n-a-n-a-s!
(note Macaela's big-girl glass)
Impromptu "Beat It" Knife fight. If only we had come in costume.
It soon went from a party to an all out Kareoke fiasco. Hands in the air, everyone screaming, pure beauty.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Met some new friends and packed the car for a trip to HQ. This was followed by libations and a late-night dinner with the fam. Saturday is a whole other story, but I will say this: My crew is tops. All for one, and one for all. No one gets left behind. Ever.


The first single from The Lonely Island's debut album "INCREDIBAD". Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone.

My Official Review of Salo.

If you ever see this man, run far, far away.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Vans x Bad Brains Spring 2009 Collection

WHOA. The chukka and hi look bandanas! Can't wait for these to drop.

Source: Highsnoiety

Weekend Plans?

The weekend is here, rejoice! Wrap 'em up, and play nice kids.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

LOST S4 Alternate Endings

I'm hyped about Lost's Season 5 Premiere, and found this little gem that threw my head for a spin.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Nuff Longtalking.


The Hundreds x Forum/Special Blend boards and outerwear are featured on The Hundreds' blog. I'm a big fan of the chocolate one pictured above (edit: turns out it's black. Someone needs to get on the color correction!) and am definitely feeling the SB bomb hit. Looks like this a flip on SB's Gunner jacket.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Macy's parade gets Rickroll'd

Yeah, it's corny, but to Rickroll on that level is FUCKING AWESOME.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Krink x Kidrobot

"Replete with bolts, a debossed NYC stamp and dents from urban wear and tear, this expressionist piece of vandalism drops in a Krink-designed box December 18. Individually numbered out of 500! Retails for $39.95." - Kidrobot

Low End Business.

Next to N-Type, my favorite online radio personality has to go to my man C Dubs. Be sure to catch his show every Wednesday from 12-2PM EST on Breaks FM. 2 Deep..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Murakami studio coming to Hollywood

Hmmmmmm. Read more here.

Monday Monday.

What a Monday. Rami's falafel gets the nod, probably the best Israeli-style falafel in town. They come a little small, but damn, they have their recipe on lock.

If that wasn't enough, Josh & Star invited me over for a little chili. it was not a little chili. It was a shitloadachili. Brisket & squash, 'nuff said! A truly amazing day of dining. I am a fatty.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Teddy Troops - Series 3

Another strong set from one of my favorite artists. This series contains works by Flying Fortress, Mr. Jago, KRSN, SEEN, Jeremy Fish, Joe Ledbetter, and Frank Kozik. 10 +2 chase figures. The bizness.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Just got back from Goodlife where Brek One(pictured above with Mos Def while slaying Las Vegas) murdered it. Huggs brought the heat with the panty droppers, good peoples all around. Be sure to peep Brek's myspace page (see link above, you tards).

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thanks to Leah for the heads up! Best thing on tv since Sledgehammer.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Welcome to the Madhouse.

Here's a little treat for you, have a stellar weekend!

MASSIVE set by Hatcha x Chase & Status 10/29/08 KISS FM

Get it? got it? GOOD!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Huck continues to Crush the World.

These drop on Friday the 21st on Huck's Ebay Store. Limit one per customer. Only 10 made.


Big shout to my man Harry on this fine day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yippie kie yay!

You can't beat a great dinner, and the best action movie ever made. Yeah, I said it. Enjoy the weekends kids, wrap 'em up!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maybe this is a good thing...

Here's a perfect example of why this economic clusterfuck is not completely bad. Click here for the scoop. Thanks to Vicki for the heads up!